Getting into shape for your wedding

Get fit!
A wedding can be the catalyst for many women to get into shape. But fear not, guys: who says that the women-folk should have all the fun? Or should that be 'pain'?!
Whilst you might hate every minute of it, making the effort to diet/exercise and shape up for the big day will almost certainly be appreciated by your bride-to-be.

Diet-wise, if work makes it hard for you to come home and eat healthily at a reasonable hour, your food can actually be prepared by an executive chef and delivered to your door, with controlled portion sizes for counting those all-important calories.

Exercise-wise, you can hit the gym for your pre-wedding workout, either on your own or even with a personal trainer if you'd like some extra support and motivation.

Work out at home
Alternatively, there are many apps available which mean that you can work out in the comfort of your own home, at your own time and schedule, with programmes designed by professional fitness instructors. And the good news is that many of these include 'rest days' which are strategically added to ensure that your body has time to recover and reap the benefits of your hard graft.

Workout calendar
If you've worked up a sweat just reading this and it's got you in the mood, it's easy to find detailed workout programmes online for help with the 'three Ts' (toning, trimming and tightening). What are you waiting for?! Shape up and look sharp, soldier!

Suit measurement
Tip: if you do plan to work out in any way, best to save your suit/kilt fitting until closer to your wedding day as your measurements may change depending on what you are trying to achieve with your training.
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